Blood Removal CleanupAccording to Federal health regulations, blood and other bodily fluids have been classified as bio hazards. Even a trace amount of blood is capable of spreading fatal diseases to anyone who knowingly or unknowingly comes in contact with them. Therefore, law enforcement officials, hospitals, and other government bodies make it one of their topmost priorities to thoroughly clean up blood after any accident, which has resulted in blood spill. In addition to carrying germs and diseases from the person, to whom the blood belonged, it decomposes over time, and can become a breeding ground for many microbes. In turn, these microbes can be equally dangerous to the people who come in contact with the blood. That is why whenever there is a blood spill, caused by a variety of reasons, it needs to be cleaned by specialists who have years of experience in the field. In the entire San Francisco area, only one name comes up in the minds of law enforcement officials, top hospitals, and government agencies, whenever there is any blood spill. San Francisco Hoarding Cleanup has decades of experience cleaning blood spills. Our blood cleanup services are completely in line with the federal regulations. We always deliver a thorough, and effective blood cleanup services. This is why, we are regularly hired by the best hospitals, police departments, and other agencies, who place the quality of work as their highest priority. When anyone needs the expertise of a truly professional and the best blood cleanup agency in the entire San Francisco, they always call San Francisco Hoarding Cleanup.
Accident CleanupWe understand that it is not a pleasant experience to think about accidents, but the fact is that they do happen. These incidents can be anything from assaults, murder, severe injuries, to even accidental deaths. There is no telling where they can happen. They can happen on the road, in living room, or even in a simple convenience store. These accidents may leave the family members in severe trauma. They need all the support and help they can get in the aftermath of such incidents. The scene of such incidents can be unbearable for many people. But, there is a bigger problem lurking in the show of such crime scenes. Blood and other body fluids that have spilled all around the place can easily become a source of diseases. Federal regulations classify all body fluids as bio hazards, as they can carry pathogens, and transfer them to healthy people. San Francisco Hoarding Cleanup provides blood cleanup services that are compassionate, understanding, and professional.
Car Accident Cleanup
While many accidents are harmless, with the participants walking out of them with minimal damage to their body, some accidents do end up leaving one of more participants injured badly, or worse, dead. In such cases, the vehicles involved should be cleaned thoroughly, so that not a single drop of blood or other body fluid is left behind. Else, they could transfer pathogens to people working with the cars. It could be the people analyzing the crime scene, the garage mechanic who will be repairing them, or the other members of the family who will be using the car later. To avoid such things from happening, San Francisco Hoarding Cleanup completely sterilizes the vehicle, and renders them free of any blood or other pathogen carrying body fluids.
Suicide or Murder Cleanup
Whether it is a suicide or murder, the scene of the incident can be devastatingly horrifying for the loves ones. No one understands this better than us. That is because we have cleaned a countless number of such scenes, to prevent the families from going through the trauma of seeing it again and again. Our goal is to completely clean the area and make it free from blood. We also make sure that there is no sign of the accident at the place by cleaning everything thoroughly. We understand the state of the families during this situation, and therefore, remove the items that should be disposed of from the scene. Then, we will give the families a lot of things that we have moved from the place. Until the families give their final word, we will not dispose of the items, and will store them in a place away from the scene of the incident.
We work closely with law enforcement, and insurance companies to provide hassle-free services to our customers. Although insurance companies do not mention it in their policies, home insurance covers crime scene cleanup services. We even advise the families on the entire process of working with the insurance companies, so that they do not have to pay anything out of their pocket, and the insurance company takes care of all the cleanup charges.
Most people harbor a misconception that they can clean the blood stains and spill by themselves. They often think on the lines of ‘it is just a bloodstained upholstery’, ‘I just need to replace this bloodstained mattress’, and so on. But, what they fail to understand is that all it takes is just one mishap. Even if they come in contact with the smallest drop or speck of blood, it can mean a lifetime of regrets. Cleaning blood spills is not a matter of time. Sure, you can do it in a couple of hours. But, it is about taking the necessary precautionary measures that you are supposed to take. Even the smallest blood spill might contain HIV viruses, Hepatitis viruses, and other pathogens that can cause a life-threatening disease. You don’t know what the blood contains. We, on the other hand, make use of disinfectants, cleaning agents, and procedures that have been recommended by OSHA and EPA. These procedures ensure that the area is completely sterilized and there is no threat from any disease causing pathogen left in our cleanup area. You do not want to risk your life, just to save a little money, which perhaps your insurance company will completely pay.
We work closely with law enforcement, and insurance companies to provide hassle-free services to our customers. Although insurance companies do not mention it in their policies, home insurance covers crime scene cleanup services. We even advise the families on the entire process of working with the insurance companies, so that they do not have to pay anything out of their pocket, and the insurance company takes care of all the cleanup charges.
Most people harbor a misconception that they can clean the blood stains and spill by themselves. They often think on the lines of ‘it is just a bloodstained upholstery’, ‘I just need to replace this bloodstained mattress’, and so on. But, what they fail to understand is that all it takes is just one mishap. Even if they come in contact with the smallest drop or speck of blood, it can mean a lifetime of regrets. Cleaning blood spills is not a matter of time. Sure, you can do it in a couple of hours. But, it is about taking the necessary precautionary measures that you are supposed to take. Even the smallest blood spill might contain HIV viruses, Hepatitis viruses, and other pathogens that can cause a life-threatening disease. You don’t know what the blood contains. We, on the other hand, make use of disinfectants, cleaning agents, and procedures that have been recommended by OSHA and EPA. These procedures ensure that the area is completely sterilized and there is no threat from any disease causing pathogen left in our cleanup area. You do not want to risk your life, just to save a little money, which perhaps your insurance company will completely pay.